HoDoKu Solving Technique Index: Example for "Locked Candidates Type 2 (Claiming)"

Solving Technique Example

Original sudoku:


Use the following line if you want to load the sudoku in HoDoKu:

:0101:6:.3..86.+7.7..3..6+81......52+36..8......8.9+62+71......3+8.6.17......4.5..8+1.7...17..9.:911 413 913 414 131 133 242 942 243 343 943:682:

The following representation can be pasted in most Sudoku programs:


| 125   3      12   | 25    8      6    | 49    7     49   |

| 7     2459   249  | 3     2459   459  | 6     8     1    |

| 89    469    4689 | 47    149    1479 | 5     2     3    |


| 6     457    14   | 8     145    1457 | 2349  345   2459 |

| 35    8      34   | 9     6      2    | 7     1     45   |

| 1259  24579  1249 | 457   145    3    | 8     45    6    |


| 2389  1      7    | 2456  23459  459  | 234   3456  2458 |

| 4     269    5    | 26    239    8    | 1     36    7    |

| 238   26     2368 | 1     7      45   | 234   9     2458 |


Representation of the step:


| 125    3       12   | 25    8      6    | 49    7     49   |

| 7      2459    249  | 3     2459   459  | 6     8     1    |

| 89     469     4689 | 47    149    1479 | 5     2     3    |


| 6      457     14   | 8     145    1457 | 2349  345   2459 |

| 35     8       34   | 9     6      2    | 7     1     45   |

| 1259   24579   1249 | 457   145    3    | 8     45    6    |


| 2389   1       7    | 2456  23459  459  | 234   3456  2458 |

| 4      2-69    5    | 26    239    8    | 1     36    7    |

| 238   *26     *2368 | 1     7      45   | 234   9     2458 |


Locked Candidates Type 2 (Claiming): 6 in r9 => r8c2<>6

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