HoDoKu Solving Technique Index: Example for "Franken Jellyfish"

Solving Technique Example

Original sudoku:


Use the following line if you want to load the sudoku in HoDoKu:

:0332:8:..67..+391..9+3...623......+4.....3...4..72...1+34.+3..1....31..8.75..+49+5+3+1.+6.65....3.:541 941 547 847 951 557 665 567 475 791 495 496 897:832 835 837 841 842 862 865 867:r125b7 c1257

The following representation can be pasted in most Sudoku programs:


| 258   2458   6  | 7     248    245  | 3      9    1   |

| 1578  14578  9  | 3     148    45   | 578    6    2   |

| 3     12578  28 | 1568  12689  2569 | 578    4    78  |


| 1268  12589  28 | 568   3      5679 | 2679   258  4   |

| 568   589    7  | 2     4689   4569 | 689    1    3   |

| 4     2589   3  | 568   789    1    | 26789  258  789 |


| 29    3      1  | 46    26     8    | 249    7    5   |

| 278   278    4  | 9     5      3    | 1      28   6   |

| 289   6      5  | 14    127    27   | 249    3    89  |


Representation of the step:


| *258    *2458    6  | 7     *248     245  |  3       9    1   |

| *1578   *14578   9  | 3     *148     45   | *578     6    2   |

|  3       1257-8  28 | 1568   126-89  2569 |  57-8    4    78  |


|  126-8   125-89  28 | 568    3       5679 |  2679    258  4   |

| *568    *589     7  | 2     *4689    4569 | *689     1    3   |

|  4       25-89   3  | 568    7-89    1    |  267-89  258  789 |


|  29      3       1  | 46     26      8    |  249     7    5   |

| *278    *278     4  | 9      5       3    |  1       28   6   |

| *289     6       5  | 14     127     27   |  249     3    89  |


Franken Jellyfish: 8 r125b7 c1257 => r3c257,r4c12,r6c257<>8

Copyright © 2008-12 by Bernhard Hobiger
All material on this page is licensed under the GNU FDLv1.3.