HoDoKu Solving Technique Index: Example for "Swordfish"

Solving Technique Example

Original sudoku:


Use the following line if you want to load the sudoku in HoDoKu:

:0301:4:1.+8+5..+2345..3.2+178...8..+5+6+9+8..6.5+7+93..5+9..4+8+13....+86+5298.2.6+31.......+8.....78.9..::432 433 435 462 463 465 482 483 485 492 493:r247 c235

The following representation can be pasted in most Sudoku programs:


| 1     679      8      | 5   679    79   | 2  3   4   |

| 5     469      469    | 3   469    2    | 1  7   8   |

| 247   2347     2347   | 8   147    147  | 5  6   9   |


| 8     124      124    | 6   124    5    | 7  9   3   |

| 267   267      5      | 9   237    37   | 4  8   1   |

| 3     1479     1479   | 14  147    8    | 6  5   2   |


| 9     8        47     | 2   45     6    | 3  1   57  |

| 2467  1234567  123467 | 14  13459  1349 | 8  24  567 |

| 246   123456   12346  | 7   8      134  | 9  24  56  |


Representation of the step:


| 1      679        8       | 5    679     79   | 2  3   4   |

| 5     *469       *469     | 3   *469     2    | 1  7   8   |

| 247    23-47      23-47   | 8    1-47    147  | 5  6   9   |


| 8     *124       *124     | 6   *124     5    | 7  9   3   |

| 267    267        5       | 9    237     37   | 4  8   1   |

| 3      1-479      1-479   | 14   1-47    8    | 6  5   2   |


| 9      8         *47      | 2   *45      6    | 3  1   57  |

| 2467   123-4567   123-467 | 14   13-459  1349 | 8  24  567 |

| 246    123-456    123-46  | 7    8       134  | 9  24  56  |


Swordfish: 4 r247 c235 => r3c235,r6c235,r8c235,r9c23<>4

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